A Toolkit to Prepare for PWB Week 2024

PWB Week
Contact: Claudia Richards
[email protected]
Senior Director, Community Member Support
(202) 266-8211

Help raise awareness 关于女性在住宅建筑行业的庆祝 PWB Week. 这些工具将帮助你关注我们行业中女性的工作和成就. Use the suggested council activities to plan your week and be sure to click on the daily list of tasks below.

Your PWB Week Daily Tasks

Monday, Sept. 9: Supporting the Residential Industry's Next Generation:

Read: A Q&诺福克州立大学学生分会主席

Suggested Council Activity: 在社交媒体上分享你是如何向下一代证明住宅建设是一条可行的职业道路的. 包括下面列出的细节(不要忘记使用标签) #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #PWBProud and #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek in your posts):

  1. Tag the name of council.
  2. Share no more than two action photos and one group photo.
  3. List the activity name (if not evident in the description).
  4. Describe the activity or program in 10 words or less (e.g., Building bird houses with fifth graders).

社交媒体:通过张贴你的议会或HBA如何吸引下一代住宅建筑劳动力的照片来推广PWB. Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #PWBProud and #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek.

Tuesday, Sept. 上午11点参加我们的“如何在住宅建筑行业招聘和留住女性”讲座.m. ET  

Register for the Shop Talk.

Read: Women Leaving Their Mark on the Home Building Industry

Suggested Council Activity: Use the Activity Book 为大得梅因HBA开发的技术行业,向小学生和教育工作者推广技术行业. 与小学或图书馆合作,与年幼的孩子们分享.


Volunteer to read The House That She Built 给当地小学、图书馆或社区中心的孩子们买书.

Social Media: Highlight women in the trades:

  • 我支持行业中的女性——工工局理事会/NAHB成员被邀请分享你如何通过雇佣女性作为商业伙伴来支持行业中的女性的故事或图片.
  • 我是一个商人-张贴你在工作的照片-你是谁,你做什么.
  • Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #PWBProud and #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek.

Tips to promote women in skilled trades:

  • 我支持行业中的女性——工务局理事会/NAHB成员被邀请分享你如何支持和/或与行业中的女性合作的故事或图片.
  • 我是一个商人-张贴你在工作的照片-你是谁,你做什么.
Wednesday, Sept. 11:了解女性对行业的影响,我们将介绍多年来的PWB奖得主.

Read: 获得建筑奖项的职业女性如何促进职业发展

Suggested Council Activity: 委员会和个人可以强调女性对行业的影响 NAHB PWB Week templates 包括以下细节:照片,姓名,公司,职位,头衔和简短的报价. 会员和理事会可以突出自己的工务局成员或表彰过去的领导人. Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #PWBProud and #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek.

Thursday, Sept. 12:上午11点参加我们的住宅建筑行业妇女联盟商店讲座.m. ET.

Register for the Shop Talk.

Suggested Council Activity: Give the women leaders in your council a social media shout-out. Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #PWBProud and #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek.

Friday, Sept. 13:通过社交媒体接管来庆祝PWB成员和地方议会的一周.

Suggested Council Activity: 加入“他们理解了任务”的社交媒体潮流,赞美那些表现出色的个人或团体. 工务局会员可使用“工务局周报”模板,浏览过去一年的重要活动.

PWB Members are asked to download the NAHB PWB Week branded PowerPoint slide, 强调他们的委员会在过去一年中最重要的活动,并于周五在他们的社交媒体平台上发布.

Recognize the founders of your local councils. Have your members share, “What does PWB mean to you?”


Remember to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #PWBProud and #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek.

More Tips and Tools

  • Use PWB Week marketing and advertising materials 迅速提醒你的听众,你将在行业的各个层面上庆祝女性. 9-13.
  • Pitch PWB Week to your local media outlets using these media resources.
  • Read and share news articles that promote and elevate women in the industry.
  • Learn more about The House That She Built with the Building Me activity guide.
  • Select a woman or women to honor at an industry event.
  • Use the PWB Week 2024 Sample Social Media Post Guide
  • 在社交媒体上使用标签来扩大你的PWB周活动 #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #PWBProud and #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek. 这将帮助你通过社交平台搜索获得更广泛的受众.
  • 在PWB周期间使用我们的品牌更新您的HBA的网站和社交媒体资料 graphics.
  • Watch webinars 以家居建筑行业的女性领导者为特色,分享帮助她们在行业中取得成功的策略.
  • Share NAHBNow blog posts related to women on your social media channels. 在搜索栏中,输入“women”或“pwb”来访问内容.
  • 创建一个住房论坛,专门审查和讨论妇女在住房中的状况. 邀请你的HBA的成员,你的住宅建设社区的成员和媒体.
  • Familiarize yourself with industry stats on women in construction.
  • Help promote women in 通过分享传单、海报、横幅和社交媒体广告来建设.

Take PWB Week to the Next Level All Week Long

  • Plan a virtual day with the Girl Scouts 教他们建筑技能,比如粉刷、抹灰或瓷砖灌浆.
  • Work with NAHB Student Chapters 谁开发了可供教师用于建设的资源, construction management, shop, technology, and physical science classes. Use these resources to market careers in construction.
  • 邀请NAHB学生分会成员或对建筑感兴趣的当地高中生跟随建筑商一天. 多拍一些照片,分享到你的社交媒体平台上,并加上标签 #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #PWBProud and #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek.
  • The HBA of Greater Des Moines developed an Activity Book 向小学生和教育工作者推广技能行业. 考虑与小学或当地图书馆合作,与孩子们分享.
  • Review NAHB’s workforce development education and training models and samples 关于如何教学生建造小房子的路线图.

Continue the Celebration of Careers in Construction

October is officially Careers in Construction Month. 寻找资源,以帮助提高对技术行业的机会的认识 linghangbike.com/careersmonth.

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